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Dive Into the New Age of
Work Order Management

Our Products

Service On Sites


SOS Mobile

  • Work Orders

    • Work Order Notifications

    • Assign Work Orders with Due Dates

    • Add Parts to Work Orders 

    • Add Expenses to Work Orders

    • Generate PO#s for Suppliers

    • Signature Capture

    • Maps Integration for Locations

    • Automatic monthly generation of Maintenance Work Orders

  • Work Order History

    • History available on every device and visible as part of Work Orders​

  • Customers

    • Create customers/locations complete with Contacts for both​

  • Team

    • Easy access to other employees contacts for quick calls​

  • Payroll

    • Employees approve their hours daily increasing accuracy and reporting

  • Expense Claims

    • Create expenses for Company Account or Reimbursement​

    • Keep receipt photos


Service On Sites

SOS Office

  • Dashboarding

    • Provides Key Performance Indicators as well as Employee Locations​

    • This is also available as a standalone for an In-Office TV monitor

  • Customers

    • Centralize Customer details with Contacts and Contract details​

  • Locations & Devices

    • Manage Device Specifications​

    • Create multiple Maintenance programs and assign them to devices with custom maintenance checks and frequencies

    • This allows you to have multiple offerings to your customers so you never lose out on a sale!​

    • See complete Work Order history as well as Modification history​

We Integrate With Engineers to help speed up Modernizations

Kenney Engineering

We are proud to announce that we now integrate with the Kenney Engineering team.  

Integration with this renowned team allows them to review device specifications directly in our software and provide feedback quickly to your modernization experts.  

Once completed, reports are generated directly to TSSA from your data.

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